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Drawing Stability Issues

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We have all experienced that time when a file is a bit unstable, the software crashes, it freezes or processes slowly.

AutoCAD and BricsCAD have complimentary tools to deal with file issues and this document will outline some quick and effective tools you as a user can use to resolve some of these issues.



Verify that the minimum hardware installed on your pc meet the requirements of the CAD product/s installed on your pc.

Please refer to the following links to determine your system requirements:

·       System requirements for Autodesk Civil 3D 2025

·         System requirements for AutoCAD 2025

·         System requirements for BricsCAD



Check and install available Windows updates.

Check the video card manufacturer's site for any update drivers for your graphics card and install/update if required.

Check for any updates to your installed CAD platform:

·         AutoCAD / Civil 3D - check the Autodesk Desktop app or Autodesk Access

·         BricsCAD - check for any dot release updates



Use the following utilities to remove unused geometry and correct drawing database errors. The commands can be typed at the command line:

        AUDIT - Evaluates the integrity of a drawing and corrects some errors.

        RECOVER - Repairs and then opens a damaged drawing file.

        PURGE - Removes unused items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing.

        -PURGE > RegApps  - Removes Unused Registered Applications from the drawing (available from the command line only).


Method 1:

1. Open the drawing file.

2. Audit and fix any errors:

                    Type AUDIT on the command line.

                    YES to fix any errors, then press Enter.

3. Remove unused named objects from the drawing:

                     Type PURGE on the command line.

                     Enable all checkboxes checked on.

                     Click Purge All.

4. Purge Registered Applications (from the command line):

                     Type -PURGE.

            R for Regapps (registered applications), then press Enter.

                     * (the asterisk equates to All), then press Enter.

                     NO asked to verify each name to be purged, then press Enter.

                     Save the drawing.

Note: to reduce RegApps inherited from XREFs in the future, consider setting XREFREGAPPCTL = 1 (Autodesk products only)

Method 2:

1. Close the drawing file.

2. Recover and fix any errors:

                     Type Recover on the command line.

                     In the Select File dialog, select the problematic file.

                     Once error-checking is complete the drawing will open.

Note: When working with a drawing file with referenced files, use the RECOVERALL command to error check the attached references.

3. Remove unused named objects from the drawing:

                     Type PURGE on the command line.

                     Enable all checkboxes checked on.

                     Click Purge All

4. Purge Registered Applications (from the command line):

                     Type -PURGE

                     R for Regapps (registered applications), then press Enter.

                     * (the asterisk equates to All), then press Enter.

                     NO asked to verify each name to be purged, then Enter.

                     Save the drawing.



It is always recommended ensuring that Windows updates and video drivers are checked for updates and installed when available.


When we find that a particular file appears to be causing issue with the smooth operation of your cad system, this can usually be isolated to issues with individual files. When recovering/auditing individual drawing files be aware that you are usually only repairing an individual file. If there are xreference files (XREF’s), these files will also need to be checked. The RECOVERALL command is ideal for these situations.

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